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Events / Arts festivals

All-Russia Festival of Author Song "Chanson at Trekhrechye (By Three Rivers)"

27 - 29 june, 2014, Kemerovo region

The festival-contest is held in the renovated Stalinist camp aimed for lumbering, situated in shor village.

The contest is organized for further preservation and development of cultural traditions, promotion of the genre of author song, strengthening its role in the patriotic upbringing of younger generation and development of song and poetry creativity.

The village of Ust-Kabyrza is the picturesque place of Mountain Shoria located at the confluence of three rivers – Kabyrza, Mrassu, Pyzas.

The area is situated at the territory of Shor National Park including, within its borders, more than 400 thousand hectares of forest lands. Taiga landscapes, mountain rivers with clear water, cave complexes, scenic rocks – here there are good conditions for provision of healthy outdoor recreation.

In 18 km from the village of Ust-Kabyrza, at the origins of the river Azas, a natural monument Azas cave is situated. The cave of 7 km long is considered to be a dwelling place of Big Foot. 

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15:22:45 C ( F)
Region: Kemerovo region
Venue: Tashtagol area, the village of Ust-Kabyrza
Phone: (3842) 65 72 96